Imagine this situation. Your spouse/son/daughter had searched the net and zeroed in on an item, to gift you. They all sat in front of the PC, went to the exact item in an ecom store, but found that the item is not available in stock! Can you measure their disappointment? What value will you attach to that?

The disappointment goes one level up for all online apps. The app must be first up and running!! Without that, users cannot even enter and access the same. It must be accessible from their location, whenever they need. This one thing - Availability - is critical for every online app. Enterprises use a variety of apps - core business app, CRM, HR app, email app etc. If the company has got 500 branches, all these apps must be available from all 500 branches, plus over internet.
If it is not available, your customer support may get so many calls or your prospects may be silently leaving you, without even telling. So, before even your customers and prospect face that situation, you must have the mechanism to monitor this 24 by 7. Your IT division may have multiple vendors - one for hardware, one for app, one for network, one for ISP etc. Unless all are fully up and running, your prospects may say that your app is not available to them, when they need it the most.
Availability index is one of the key factors on CIO's head. If an app is down frequently, get ready for the big blame game across teams. This silent killer can cause total chaos and bring down the morale of end users as well as the IT team members. So, you must have smarter tools to monitor your smart online applications.
A simple example. To check whether internet works or not from your PC, what will you do? Most people go to browser and type To that extent, google ensured its availability!
Don't you want your apps being available like Google?Perform Faster.