There is not a single web application in the world, that worked for 1000s of users on the first release. Let us dig deep.
First look is very important. Companies pay a lot of attention to the look and feel of application pages. Most of the time, this comes with a cost. Heavy images, animation, bad logic to render and other things that make the apps slow. These pages in turn call complex server side programs and database queries. Who is responsible for the performance issues? The developer of course! When developers are considered high in the chain and given higher pay, why do they not care about performance?

Here are a set of questions, you must ask yourself. You may be the project manager or technical lead. Ask these questions to your developers and get ready for surprise!
- Is the code
fully commented, so that it is easy to follow?
- Does the code
comply with principles such as open db connection late and close it early etc.?
- How many
warnings appear when the code is compiled? Why are those ignored?
- How many times
a developer is able to clearly give a reverse presentation of what he/she understood as
requirement and design for that code?
- Does the
developer have a checklist to unit test the code thoroughly?
- Is the
developer 100% sure that all objects created are released?
- Does the
developer know what will be the min/max/average size of data for the request and
response to the apis he/she used in the code?
- Does the
developer know the impact of his code on other areas of the application?
- Is the
developer given sufficient time to complete the work?
- Does the
developer know the target deployment environment and its constraints?
Honestly ask these questions to yourself and to your development team. Collate the answers and confirm how many are in sync with your vision.
When there are fundamental problems that are to be addressed, how will you expect the developer to even think of a situation where 1000 users simultaneously accessing his piece of code?! How can he/she breathe and feel the code?
There is a better way out. Let them attack these primary problems and get over the same. Use Appedo to monitor and do a deep-dive analysis of your Java code and web pages. You will be in a better position to assure performance of your applications, to your customers.